Monday, June 17, 2013

Starting Over...Again

Day 1-So here I am again, another Monday, another attempt at  losing weight and getting fit. I have set goals, started programs, joined gyms, hired trainers but I have remained in my heaviest weight range for the past 5 years. My weight has been alarmingly high for the past 12 years. I'm now at the point where the "extra fluffy" parts of me are obstructing my lifestyle and comfort. I decided to start over...again.
As of today I started using the JEFIT Pro workout tracking app for my cell phone and Weight Watchers for my meal tracking. I've had great success with Weight Watchers in the past but I did not follow through after 3 or four months. I will say, I lost 40 lbs in a few months before and it took over a year to put it back on. I know the key for me is portion control and LOTS of exercise. It will be SUPER IMPORTANT for me to get my workouts in BEFORE 8am if I have any chance of staying reaching my ultimate weight loss goals.                                           So the workout  routine I've chosen works me 5 days a week, focusing on alternating upper and lower body two days each and abs and cardio on 1 day. I must say it felt good to lift weights again. I didn't do the recommended time on the treadmill BUT I will go to Zumba class after work to make up for the mere 10 minutes of cardio I did this morning. I plan on doing two workouts a few days a week just for the extra cardio boost. Zumba is my favorite cardio workout. Period. I'll be looking for more ways to include it in my weekly routine.
I'm proud of myself for COOKING last night and planning my meals for the day! Lord knows that is my first stumbling block, preparation and procrastination! I'm happy to say I have my food planned for the whole week. The trick is making sure I cook when my rehearsal schedule picks up. Life is much easier when I'm prepared and do what I say I'm going to do. I'm off to a good start now I must plan for a good finish.
I'm taking a deep breath and making the effort to journal/blog everyday to chart my progress. I know I'm not the only one who's been trying for years to let go of something unhealthy which can/does hold you back from the ultimate peace and happiness you can have in your life. I'm going to just put myself out there and publicly chronicle this journey with the hopes of motivating myself and others to never give up on goals and dreams.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Three Ways To Know God Is Trying To Tell You Something...

Can't sleep at night,
and you wonder why.
Maybe God is trying to tell you something...

                                    -TaTa Vega, Quincy Jones
                                       The Color Purple

Lately I've been living my life like it's stolen! I've been running around here and there, robbing Peter to pay Paul & working my butt off for multiple jobs (which I am happy to have by the way) but with no real goals or direction. The government is deciding whether or not to raise the debt ceiling while I've crashed into mine and tore an artery; I'm bleeding money, energy and faith. Realizing that my "wound" could be the "death" of me, I feverishly work to stop the bleeding, I mean the spending, I mean the sinning, I mean the running, I mean...well, you know what I mean. I'm noticing that the more I try to fix stuff the more it goes wrong. Time to let go and let God...but how do you do that?

Just last week I had a very inspirational conversation with a couple from Philly but now live in Florida. They told me some key things that have helped me navigate through my current storm, gain clarity and establish a spiritual action plan. Their words were an inspiration to me so I thought I would share the lesson I learned from the conversation. So here are my Three Ways to Know God is Trying to Tell You Something...and What To Do About It (CAUTION: this list was not created with love relationships in mind. some of the suggestions may not be appropriate for matters of the heart):

1.) What Once Worked for You, Doesn't Anymore- This is the first sign that maybe the time for that job, that friendship, that look, that living situation has run it's course and it's time to move on.
What To Do: Pray & be still, observe what's happening, begin to open your mind and heart to other options.

2.) Confirmation Comes From Everywhere- So you've had THAT talk with God, got your marching orders BUT you second guess everything including what He told you. After a while God will speak to you through other people telling you what God has already told you, you will see random TV shows related to your situation, the Pastor will talk about YOUR situation during service (even if he doesn't know you) and so on
What To Do: Listen then act on your marching orders.

3.) The Perfect Storm- Out of nowhere you're life resembles a" made for Lifetime movie" with lots of drama, tragedy and misfortune. In this instance your strength, patience, health, character and faith are tested but know that all the drama serves a greater purpose. My pastor, Pastor Waller of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, says that the storms have to come to clean out the mess and give us a fresh start. This storm had to come so that you would stop doing what was keeping you from the will of God.
What To Do: Get a spiritual umbrella...ella...ella...ay and ride it out.

Ain't no use in worrying
what tonight is gonna bring
It will be all over
in the morning...
                   -The Winans and Anita Baker

Monday, July 25, 2011

What's This All About?

I was recently inspired to create a blog that focuses on spiritual growth, personal maturity and the sharing of sharing wisdom. I am a woman who is currently going through some major transitions in life and it has become very clear to me how important faith and stillness are to ones personal growth and stability. Since As I go through various storms in life I often find myself fighting with God when I really have to let go and let him guide my path. Considering the nature of the conversations I've been having with friends, I'm not the only person out there who feels like everything is a struggle or that maybe their faith is on shaky ground. I will often tell stories and share information that I think will be helpful to all who are on the journey to reinvention, reconnection and rejuvination.

When thinking of what to call this blog I began to think of a play from back in the day called "Your Arms Too Short To Box with God." There is so much truth in that title yet I constantly find myself embattled, knowing I can't beat the one who created me! I don't claim to have the answers for life's ills, but I do have some knowledge based on expeirence which I think is worth sharing. I hope that you will use my posts as the basis for discussion and deep thought.

You will also find my iternet TV station (Channel Soul) on this site. I have attached a chat room which is always open for discussion. Eventually I will invite you to watch and chat about special programs that I will broadcast. I would love to hear your feedback on any topic I post so please don't be shy. I hope that you will use this space for teachable moments, self discovery and healing. God bless you and I will see you at the next post...